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Hiring Virtual Staff & Virtual Staff Management



Managing Remote Staff and Virtual Assistants is made easier by the vast amount of technology connecting us


Measuring Remote Employee Productivity

So, how can companies measure the productivity of their remote workers? conducted a study with top remote teams. Here are some of the highlights on how they evaluate and promote the efficiency of their remote staff:



Setting clear metrics for each team member 

It doesnt matter Virtual or a traditional office. Teams and organizations need clear cut goals and roles for every individual. Without clear objectives no measurement can made and no expectation can be raised.



Setting short-term goals (daily or weekly)

Set long term and big picture goals, but if you dont lay the path of the that larger goal in smaller easy to follow steps, you will lead you staff wondering through the heated desert.



Monitoring if tasks are completed in time

Break up each project into smaller milestones, set deadlines and make sure your employees understand that those deadlines are not soft deadlines, but that they are a planned aspect of the project, which need to be met.



Hold regular team meetings to align on goals, plans, and problems

Its super easy to communicate with your team, a morning round up sets the tone for the day and refocuses the work force. Giving praise, ask for ideas and engage your staff is key to motivating and keeping a cohesive unit.


Each week, make it a point to spend just 15-20 minutes chatting it up with an employee, about life, last nights game, their family, etc. This gives you a heart beat on your employees and gives them the sensation that they are more than just a number.



Quality of the work Feedback from 360-degree reviews

When evaluating a candidate, use the relationships you have built with your team to understand the inner workings of your unit.



Feedback from clients

Clients give you the best most honest feedback, listen!



Employee Engagement Retention Sales Profit



Performance reviews

Make performance reviews an engaging process of how to improve the processes and improve the overall team, not just about the person.


But make sure that the evaluation also focuses on the contribution of the employee to the overall goal. This is not a punishment, it shouldnt be seen that way by your team, and it should not be used in that way.



Focusing on results accomplished rather than time tracked

There are plenty of tools to monitor and review your employee work processes, focus on quality over quantity. Evaluate the employees weakness or area for improvement and take steps to improving these skill sets.


Again this isnt punishment and an employee should never feel that way. Infact dont ever punish an employee, it will only have negative effects.



Tracking activity levels and work screenshots

There are many monitoring software and applications that allow you to monitor your employees system live as they work, allowing you to see their activity.


This can be used beyond spying on your employees, it be used as a development and training tool, by understanding the patterns and processor through log reports, and random or requested video and photo screenshots.



Remote Hiring and Management

|| Silicon Staffing Hiring Process || Employee Hiring Process || Communication and Task Management || Virtual Communication Tips || Measuring Remote Employee Productivity ||




Virtual Staff Benefits

|| Cost of Recruiting || Internal HR vs. External HR || Turnover Cost || What an Employee Really Costs || Virtual vs Traditional Salary Comparison ||



Increase Productivity with Virtual Staff

Increase Productivity with Virtual Staff

Virtual Staff Management

Virtual Staff Management Clear Goal Setting


for your staff


Goals provide focus on how to design a road map to fulfill the objective. They should be S.M.A.R.T.



Specific. Measurable.Achievable.Relevant.Time-Bound.


Virtual Staff Management

Virtual Staff Management Critical Path


for your staff


The longest pathway to achieving a result that depends on the execution of numerous processes. Make sure to identify the critical path throughout the duration of the project. It may shift depending on the nature of the project and your leadership and available resources iis the key.